Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Inquiry Letter (surat permintaan)

An inquiry letter, also known as a prospecting letter or letter of interest, is sent to companies that may be hiring, but, haven't advertised job openings.
Inquiry letters can be send via mail or email. However, sometimes a mailed written letter can make more of an impression than an email message which may not be opened.
Inquiry letters should contain information on why the company interests you and why your skills and experience would be an asset to the company. Also provide information on how you will follow-up and your contact information.A letter of inquiry is a excellent
A letter of inquiry is a excellent way of uncovering hidden jobs. Other advantages of writing these letters are:
  • You will make contact with and come to the notice of hiring managers and can build relationships with them.
  • Discover leads for possible new jobs in the near future.
  • Be kept on file by the company for any future vacancies.
Writing a letter of inquiry:
  • Give a brief statement of how you can benefit their company.
  • At the end of the letter request an opportunity for a phone call or meeting.
  • In case you are invited for a interview, always retain a copy of the letter you have sent. These can be useful to refer to.
  • Always end the letter on a high note.
Remember to follow up any correspondence with a respectful phone call to confirm they have received your letter of inquiry. 
When a prospective buyer has to know the condition of the goods / services following the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he did not need to ask for a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade demand formal procedures in writing. Letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transactions. Through a letter of inquiry to ask a potential buyer or to request information about the goods or services to be purchased. In reaction, the seller explained the things he wanted to know the buyer, the buyer did finally order and business transactions as the top buying and selling process.
In the letter of demand for the goods usually offer prospective buyers ask:
1.    Price List
2.    Sample of Product
3.    Quotation
4.    Terms of Payment
5.    Terms of Delivery
6.    Method of Transport

Letter of inquiry example:

Reply of Inquiry Letter example:



Selasa, 13 November 2012

Format and style that were on english business letter

A business letter were critical to korespodensi business. Format used for writing letters particular enterprise. Means a business letter look like this matters because create impressions on readers. Format letter companies have many done to making an impression upon readers. A simple format of a help deliver messages it clear to readers. Based on identasi and penyelarasan paragraph, there are five format is used in writing letters business. Namely:

1. Full block style

Writing on full block style: business letter usually located on flattened left as letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary a close, signature or as a whole of format letter being in a position flattened left.

Sample Form Letter Full Block Style :
Sample 1
Format From Full Block Style

Sample 2

<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">
Sample 3
1 1/2 inch margin

Company Logo or Letterhead

6-10 spaces

<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">
March 15, 2001

2-4 spaces

Mr. John Smith, Director of Operations
SomeGroup Group
SomeStreet Drive
Sometown, VA 12345
2 spaces
Dear Mr. Smith :
2 spaces

Thank you for your inquiry about Full-Block format for letters. What follows is a quick summary of the format and the conventions it uses. Full block format is considered the most formal of the three styles. In full block format or style, every line is left justified. The dateline is placed two to six line spaces below the last line of the heading or letterhead. The inside address placement varies depending upon the length of the letter. A common spacing is four line spaces below the date line. The salutation is placed two lines below the attention line (if an attention line is provided). The first line of the body is placed two lines below an attention line or two to four lines below the last inside address line. When using full block, paragraphs are single spaced, with a double space between paragraphs.
While there are no set rules governing format use, full block is generally used for (1) requests or inquiries, (2) claims, (3) announcements, (4) records of agreement, (5) transmittal of other technical documents, and (6) job applications. Most other types of letters use semi-block or simplified format. This page illustrates the spacing and layout of full block format.
2 spaces
Sincerely yours ,

4 spaces

Dr. Sheila Carter-Tod
English Instructor
2 spaces
2 spaces

1 1/2 inch margin

2. Block Style
When he was writing a business letter, for example, a letter a request for work you must pay attention to the format or style of letters and a typeface ( font ) used. The format of a business letter most frequently used is the block style. Applying this format all parts of a letter written flattened left with spaces between lines single / of a sentence and spaced duple inter-intercity alinea or paragraphs. The image on the latter part of this article is an example of a business letter with the format of the block.

Sample Form Letter Block Style :

Sample 1

Sample 2

3. Semi-block style
Semi-blok fromat: in a format this text parallel left and all paragraphs in the letter is indented. Format shape on this letter on letter head, date, complementary a close, and signature being in a position flattened right. In the layout uneven right, but can dibilangg flattened middle. Other parts on a letter as inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, and enclosure if terdapatnya attachment letter,Being flattened on the left.

Sample Form Letter Semi Block Style :
Sample 1
Format from Semi Block Style

1.Kop Letter
2. Date of preparation of letters
3. Letter No.
4. attachment
5. case
6. The letter addressed
7. a word of salutation
8a. Introduction letter
8b. Explanation letter
8c. The cover letter
9. Greetings Closing
10. Name of office
11. signature
12. Names to approach
13. copy
14. Attachment page letter / initials

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4
<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">

1 1/2 inch margin

Company Logo or Letterhead

6-10 spaces

<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">

March 15, 2001

2-4 spaces

Mr. John Smith, Director of Operations
SomeGroup Group
SomeStreet Drive
Sometown, VA 12345
2 spaces
Dear Mr. Smith :
2 spaces

     Thank you for your inquiry about Semi-Block format for letters. What follows is a quick summary of the format and the conventions it uses.      Semi-block format or style is frequently called modified semi-block because it is a slightly less formal modification of full block format. This letter style places the date line in alignment with, or slightly to the right of dead center. Another option for placing the date line in semi-block is flush right. Similar to full block, semi-block places the inside address, salutation and any end notations flush with the left margin. However, unlike full block, each body paragraph of semi-block is indented five spaces. The complimentary close and signature block are aligned under the date.
     This page illustrates the spacing and layout of semi-block format. Both full block and semi-block formats generally contain all of the necessary parts of a letter.

2 spaces
Sincerely yours ,

4 spaces

Dr. Sheila Carter-Tod
English Instructor
2 spaces
2 spaces

1 1/2 inch margin

4. This format Indented Style

On the first line at the beginning of each paragraph starts with a few spaces from the left side, the distance is usually 1 cm spacing. the writing inside the address and signature section is done identasi. The magnitude of the identasi on each line is directly proportional to the order line. For example the first line does not do identasi, on the second row done identasi 0, 5 cm, in the third line is also done identasi 1 cm, etc. On the first line of every paragraph begins a few spaces from the left side. Usually 1 cm spacing distance from the left border.

Here's An Example Of Indented Style: 

Sample 1
Format for Indented Style

The parts of the form letter Dent (Indented Style):
1. letterhead
2. Date of preparation of letters
3. Letter No.
4. Appendix / Page
5. It / Attachments
7. a word of salutation
8a. Introduction letter
8b. Explanation letter
8c. The cover letter
9. Greetings Closing
10. Name of office
11. signature
12. Names to approach
13. copy
14. Attachment page letter / initials

Sample 2

Sample 3

5.  Simplifed Style Format

Simple shapes (Simplified Style) is a form letter that is almost similar to the shape Straight Full but only without any greeting and closing greeting. Usually this letter goes to the people who were working at the company. Sometimes the simple form of letter writing is very simple without regard neatness and regularity. 

The Following Example Simplified Style :

Sample 1
Format For Simplified Style

The parts of a letter from Simple Forms (Simplified Style):
1. letterhead
2. Date of preparation of letters
3. Letter No.
4. attachment
5. case
6. The letter addressed
8a. Introduction letter
8b. Explanation letter
8c. The cover letter
10. Name of office
11. signature
12. Names to approach
13. copy
14. Attachment page letter / initials

Sample 2

<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">

1 1/2 inch margin

Company Logo or Letterhead

6-10 spaces

<- -="-" 1="1" inch="inch" margin="margin">
March 15, 2001

2-4 spaces

Mr. John Smith, Director of Operations
SomeGroup Group
SomeStreet Drive
Sometown, VA 12345
2 spaces
2 spaces

Thank you for your inquiry about Simplified format for letters. What follows is a quick summary of the format and the conventions it uses. Simplified format or style unlike full block and semi-block has fewer internal parts. This format is also the most widely used format in professional correspondence. Simplified format is focused and professional without unnecessary formality. Simplified format places all internal parts in left alignment; however, the traditional salutation is replaced with an all-caps subject line that is also placed flush with the left margin. Body paragraphs are left aligned and single spaced within and double spaced between. In simplified style, the writer's name and title, if necessary, are aligned with the left margin and typed in all caps at least five spaces below the last line of the body or message of the letter.
This page illustrates the spacing and layout of simplified format. Both full block and semi-block formats generally contain all of the necessary parts of a letter.
2 spaces
Sincerely yours ,

5 spaces

2 spaces
2 spaces

1 1/2 inch margin

6. Hanging Style Format

Hanging Style is the Format paragrafnya hang, or leaning more to the left. the form of this letter on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in the position of the Middle letters. The other part on letters such as the inside address, salutation, body, subject of letter are in the position of left-align. at the beginning of the paragraph, paragraphs hanging is not spaced.

 The Following Example Hanging Style:

Sample 1
Format From Hanging Style

Portions of the letter forms hang Alinea (Hanging Paragraph):
1. letterhead
2. Date of preparation of letters
3. Letter No.
4. Appendix / Page
5. It / Attachments
6. The letter addressed
7. a word of salutation
8a. Introduction letter
8b. Explanation letter
8c. The cover letter
9. Greetings Closing
10. Name of office
11. signature
12. Names to approach
13. copy
14. Attachment page letter / initials
Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4

 JL.Gamprit jati waringin pondok gede
No                : 009/124/SMU/XIII/2009
Attachments  : -
Subject         : Meeting Service
Nature          : Very Important 
Mr / Ms Teachers and Staff Employees SMU Negeri 5 Bekasi 
at - 
Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.

In connection with the rise of anarchist action and the more widespread use of illicit drugs among students, it is very important that we act together, we hereby invite Mr / Mrs to attend official meetings that we conduct.  
The event, God willing, will be held on : 
Day    : Saturday August 15 
Time  : 08.00 s.d 14:00 
Venue : Meeting Room
Similarly, we submit this letter, hopefully the father / mother can understand.For your attention and cooperation father / mother. We give thanks.Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.


                                                                                     Dr. Rizki Pratama Indra.S,Pd
                                                                                        Principal SMUN 5 Bekasi


Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Business Letter

commercial business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey goodwill. Even today, the business letter is still very useful because it produces a permanent record, is confidential, formal and delivers persuasive, well-considered messages

a sheet of stationery with name and address of the organization printed at the top

"reference letter" if it is somewhat general in nature, and is not addressed to a specific requestor. Typically "letters of reference" are addressed; "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir/Madam". Or  the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date (2). If you're replying to a letter, refer to it here.For example,
Re: Job # 625-01
Re: Your letter dated 1/1/200x.

Put the date on which the letter was written in the format Month Day Year i.e. August 30, 2012. Skip a line between the date and the inside address.

The address of the person you are writing to along with the name of the recipient, their title and company name, if you are not sure who the letter should be addressed to either leave it blank, but try to put in a title, i.e. "Director of Human Resources". Skip a line between the date and the salutation.

 Type the name of the person to whom you're sending the letter. If you type the person's name in the Inside Address (4), skip this.

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name:, Dear Director of Department Name: or To Whom It May Concern: if recipient's name is unknown. Note that there is a colon after the salutation. Skip a line between the salutation and the subject line or body. Some common salutations are
-Dear Sir:
-Dear Sir or Madam:
-Dear [Full Name]:
-To Whom it May Concern:

Makes it easier for the recipient to find out what the letter is about. Skip a line between the subject line and the body.examples are below.

The body is where you write the content of the letter; the paragraphs should be single spaced with a skipped line between each paragraph. Skip a line between the end of the body and the closing (COMPLIMENTORY CLOSE).

Let's the reader know that you are finished with your letter; usually ends with Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Thank you, and so on. Note that there is a comma after the end of the closing and only the first word in the closing is capitalized.
Complimentary Close Examples
-Respectfully yours, (very formal)
-Sincerely, (typical, less formal)
-Sincerely yours,
-Yours sincerely,
-Yours truly,
-Very truly yours (polite, neutral)
-Cordially yours (friendly, informal)
-With appreciation,
-With gratitude,

Your signature will go in this section, usually signed in black or blue ink with a pen.

If letter contains other document other than the letter itself your letter will include the word "Enclosure." If there is more than one you would type, "Enclosures (#)" with the # being the number of other documents enclosed, not including the letter itself. Common styles are below.
-Enclosures: 3
-Enclosures (3)

List the names of people to whom you distribute copies, in alphabetical order. If addresses would be useful to the recipient of the letter, include them. If you don't copy your letter to anyone, skip it.

·         Example Template
(optional[SENDER'S PHONE]
(optional[THE SENDER'S E-MAIL]



(Optional) Attention [DEPARTMENT/PERSON],

[First Salutation then Subject in Business letters]



[COMPLIMENTARY CLOSING (Sincerely, Respectfully, Regards, etc.)],